8 Step Accident Safety Checklist

Getting into an auto accident no matter how big or small can be a scary experience but knowing what to do during those situations can prevent you from becoming a nervous wreck. Here are a few tips that can help an already tense situation go more smoothly if you ever happen to find yourself in an automobile accident.
Car Accident
source: flickr.com
1. Stay calm. Turn on your hazard lights and take the time to check you and your passengers for any injuries.

2. If both vehicles are still operable, move them off of the road before collecting any information. Remember to take note of the location of the accident, time and direction you were heading.

3. If another car is involved, make sure the other driver and their occupants are okay. Also, it is important to note to remain calm and polite when interacting with the other party. Do not hypothesize about what could have caused the accident. Remember that it is important never to admit that it was your fault to the other driver.

4. If there are any witnesses, politely ask them to remain at the scene until the police arrive so they can give an account of what happened.

5. Collect the most crucial information first:
a. Name, drivers license and phone number
b. Vehicle year, make, model, and license plate number
c. Insurance company, policy and phone number

6. Take note of the damages on both vehicles and if you have a camera, take detailed photos. This will help for insurance claims, and allow you to get your car repaired as quickly as possible.

7. When the police arrive, calmly state the facts based on your own account. The police officer will normally determine who was at fault base on their assessment of the damages and the information given by both parties. The police officer will normally also give you an accident claim number. It is important to keep up with the claim number and do not sign anything unless it is from the officer.

8. After all is said and done you will be allowed to leave the scene and go on your way.

Hopefully, this checklist help prepare and keep you calm if an accident ever occurs. Are there any tips we might have missed? Leave your answers in the comments below!

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